Tips for Artists | The Superfine Blog

Connection Is Key For The Future Of Art Fairs
Stephanie Zimmerman-Black Stephanie Zimmerman-Black

Connection Is Key For The Future Of Art Fairs

If there’s one thing we learned for certain when it comes to emerging contemporary art fairs, it’s that nothing can replace the in-person art viewing experience. This year, the art fair model was thrown for a loop along with the general disruption of the global pandemic. A long-flaky model was finally given it’s last shake; would anyone – mega galleries and independent artists included – be able to survive such a drastic change to the art fair model?

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How To Reconnect With Your Intention As An Artist
Stephanie Zimmerman-Black Stephanie Zimmerman-Black

How To Reconnect With Your Intention As An Artist

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or do any major, life-changing soul searching to figure out what your artistic intention is. Sometimes all you need to do is spend a little time asking yourself simple questions in the form of an art prompt or drawing prompts.

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How Much Money Should You Expect To Make At An Art Fair?
Stephanie Zimmerman-Black Stephanie Zimmerman-Black

How Much Money Should You Expect To Make At An Art Fair?

The path from exhibiting your art to cashing in on it is a fairly linear pursuit, but not all approaches are proven to be equally as effective. Making a plan to maximize your art fair income is a helpful and strategic way to visualize your journey to financial success!

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